The view from the hide

The view from the hide

Monday, 28 April 2014

Saturday 26th April

A damp start quickly made it a miserable morning. On a short time scale and planned targets, I wasnt going to deviate from my plan. However things never ever go to plan with me.
A song thrush was of note to me as ive not had many this year, was a good start, with lesser whitethroat still in the abandoned RSPB car park, whitethroat, willow warbler blackcap & chiffchaff all sing on path down to Lowther.
A walk down redstart hedge saturated my boots, and they still havent dried up now!
Only a pheasant was flushed this time.
Mistle thrush, equally scarce for me was in the wood at lowther, and the horse field beyond the boundary was alive. Nothing rare though.
Tweet of bar-tailed godwit scuppered my plans, which were further scuppered as by the time id got to the new sluice, they had flown east. Probably over my head!
Back to Lowthet I did tick off Cuckoo & Sedge Warbler which showed well whilst stalking the reed warblers, but they didnt show.
2 willow tits were the 1st I'd seen since Feb so were nice to see.
The Garden Warbler was singing again nr Oil Depot, but still not seen it!

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