Vile weather mid afternoon didn't dampen the spirits early on, despite the tripod completely ceasing up!
No sign of the beardies in the favoured spot and no Jack Snipe wasn't the greatest start, but the weather was good and there was optimism in the air!
A quick look over the gulls on Astley got the heart racing with a BHG in almost full plumage but cap looked black and appeared to extendend down the neck and the legs were definatley darker than the other gulls it was associating with. However, none the less it was a BHG.
we then got a call to say the beardies had been heard on the other side of the reedbed, do we scampered over.
By this time the sun was out and the Skylarks were singing and out in view so number 93 was quickly followed by 94 when the bearded tits came out! Finally! Cracking views of the 2 males, coming close and calling. Only down side is that there still isn't a female.
Home for lunch and some WD40 sorted the tripod out no end. Its working a treat now, best it has been in years!!!!
Terrible weather mod afternoon really dropped the temperature, and instead of going to the main bay I decided to stay at the hide for the gull roost. Was a good decision but no white wings... tonight
My patch birding year in the great Swilly listing challenge. As a full time worker, the time I can put in on patch is significantly lower than the majority of other listers. Friendly competition between the bird group. 2013 was my 1st proper listing year, but Swilly has been my patch for maybe 8 years now
The view from the hide

Saturday, 25 January 2014
Saturday 25th January
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