Much cooler and quite blustery halted most passage as the wind was from the west.
A steady stream of Sand Martins seemed to be passing through with the flow of the wind, but no other hirundines were located. A swallow had been recorded in the week though.
A wheater was seen briefly by the trailor gates but disappeared before news had spread. A drake scaup was seen in flight but couldn't be relocated on the eastern reedbed, making 2 birds missed on the saturday, but a fine adult Med gull on Astley was good enough consolsation after all the hours put in going through the BGH's so far this. 4th bird so far I failed to get last year!
The 5th species, and 110th in total for the year came on sunday with a drake common scotor on skelton.
I expect there to be a steady increase in new birds over the next couple of weeks, and although the gap to the top will inevitably increase before I cam claw some back, I'm looking forward to the next couple of months! :)
My patch birding year in the great Swilly listing challenge. As a full time worker, the time I can put in on patch is significantly lower than the majority of other listers. Friendly competition between the bird group. 2013 was my 1st proper listing year, but Swilly has been my patch for maybe 8 years now
The view from the hide

Monday, 24 March 2014
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Saturday 15th & sunday 16th
Windy weekend following a decent week of sightings, was a bit disappointing but did yield a green woodpecker on saturday, and on sunday a green sandpiper, 2 sand martins & 5 whooper swans.
9 off the pace now
Sunday 9th March
Afternoon visit with a hangover was rewarded with the ruff on the main bay, and finally Barn owl!
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Spring is here
But new ticks are hard to come by!
Barn owl had been showing well, a ringed plover was found, and a new iceland gull were the highlights, all of which have avoided me.
Bittern was showing for much of saturday, with at least 4 birds being recorded.